Posting a job vacancy

If you have a job vacancy at your organisation that you would like to post on our website this page provides all the information about how to do this.

Available posting tiers for your job vacancy

There are currently 4 available tiers which job vacancies can be posted at on our website. The benefits and cost of each tier are outlined on the table below with a detailed breakdown of each tier below the table.

Changemaker Jobs operates under the UK VAT registration threshold and as a result VAT is not applied to our prices.

  • Features of a tier 1 posting:

    Small organisation logo.

    Posting displaying:

    • Job title

    • Hiring organisation name

    • Salary offered

    • Job type

    • Contract offered

    • Workplace based at details

    • Location specifics

    • Application deadline

    Details & Apply’ button providing applicants with a direct link to either:

    • the role on your own website via a supplied URL website link, or

    • a PDF of the job description.

    Additional details about the role, including job perks and benefits and any other useful information can be viewed by clicking on the posting entry.

    Your post will remain on our site for as long as needed, no 30 day limit.

  • Includes all the features of a tier 1 posting:

    • Small organisation logo.

    • Posting displaying:

    • Job title

    • Hiring organisation name

    • Salary offered

    • Job type

    • Contract offered

    • Workplace based at details

    • Location specifics

    • Application deadline

    ‘Details & Apply’ button providing applicants with a direct link to either:

    • the role on your own website via a supplied URL website link, or

    • a PDF of the job description.

    Additional details about the role, including job perks and benefits and any other useful information can be viewed by clicking on the posting entry.

    Your post will remain on our site for as long as needed, no 30 day limit.

    Additional benefits of a tier 2 posting:

    Your organisation’s logo will feature on the ‘This week’s top hiring organisations’ section on our homepage. Your logo provides a clickable link through to your job or careers page.

    Your job vacancy will be included on our weekly newsletter which is sent out to our mailing list subscribers, currently consisting of 4,300+ jobseekers). Your role(s) will continue to feature on our weekly newsletters until your closing date.

    Your job vacancy will be promoted once a week on our 3 social media channels: Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook. Your role(s) will continue to feature once a week on our social media channels until your closing date.

  • As well as your role being hosted on our main jobs board, tier 3 postings also receive additional benefits outlined below.

    Benefits of a tier 3 posting:

    Your job vacancy will also appear in the ‘Featured Jobs’ section on our website which is located at the top section of our jobs board.

    Larger organisation logo with clickable URL link taking potential candidates through to your website homepage.

    Larger, more eye-catching post which candidates will view first when visiting our jobs board.

    Each posting will contain 2 extra sections of text:

    ‘Job overview’ text section which provides a brief job description section outlining some of the best aspects of the role.

    ‘Why we love…’ section where we will write a nice sentence or two outlining why we love your organisation. The ‘Why we love’ section can also be provided by yourself if there is any key points you’d like to highlight (please look to keep this to around 2 short sentences).

    Your organisation logo will be presented at the top of our weekly newsletter for the first week which the role went live on our website. Newsletter subscribers can click on your logo where they will be taken either to the job details page via URL or PDF or can be taken directly through to your careers page on website (if you have one).

    Your job vacancy will be listed in the ‘Featured Jobs’ section on our weekly newsletter which is sent out to our mailing list (currently consisting of 3,400+ jobseekers). The role will be present along with the job details. Your role(s) will continue to feature on our weekly newsletters until your closing date.

    Your job vacancy will be promoted continually on our 3 social media channels: Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook. Your role(s) will continue to feature on our social media channels until your closing date.

  • Your job vacancy will appear in the ‘Featured Jobs’ section on our website which is located at the top section of our jobs board.

    Larger organisation logo with clickable URL link taking potential candidates through to your website homepage.

    Larger, more detailed job posting with the salary, hours, location and deadline all outlined without the need to expand.

    Each posting will contain 2 extra sections of text:

    ‘Job overview’ text section which provides a brief job description section outlining some of the best aspects of the role.

    ‘Why we love…’ section where we will write a nice sentence or two outlining why we love your organisation. The ‘Why we love’ section can also be provided by yourself if there is any key points you’d like to highlight (please look to keep this to around 2 short sentences).

    Your job vacancy will be listed in the ‘Featured Jobs’ section on our weekly newsletter which is sent out to our mailing list (currently consisting of 3,400+ jobseekers). Your role(s) will continue to feature on our weekly newsletters until your closing date.

    Your job vacancy will be promoted continually on our 3 social media channels: Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook. Your role(s) will continue to feature on our social media channels until your closing date.

    Additional benefits of a tier 4 posting:

    Your organisation will have it’s own individual jobs page created on the Changemaker Jobs website. This new page will exclusively host roles just for your organisation.

    Your individual page URL will be utilised when promoting your roles via our social media channels. Visitors and potential candidates will be taken directly to your page containing just your roles.

    Your individual page will have no limit on the amount of text used in either the ‘Job overview’ and ‘Why we love’ sections allowing you to provide more detailed text about what your organisation does and what’s required from your roles.

    The option to include up to 3 images of your choice. These could be from recent events you’ve held or perhaps could be team pics which give an idea of the team culture that our candidates will become a part of.

    Location screenshot of your office is included to give candidates a clear idea of where they might be working for their role.

Once you have decided which tier suits you best the section below outlines what we require from you to enable us to post a vacancy on our website.

1. Job description/details and method of application (any of the following 3 options can be used):

  • URL website link for your specific job vacancy.

  • URL website link for your organisation’s job/career page where all your vacancies are listed.

  • PDF job description document (when providing a PDF please ensure that your document outlines how candidates can apply for the role).

2. Copy of your organisation’s logo - Please ensure you provide us with a non-transparent format.

3. Your Organisation’s full, registered name & address which will be used to issue you with an invoice for your purchase.

4. If your organisation works with purchase order (PO) numbers for purchases, please provide us the PO number which we will include on your invoice.

5. Email address of the finance contact at your organisation or for the individual who will be responsible for paying your invoice.

*Please note, for paid roles which are non-voluntary, the salary or salary range must be provided. Sadly we are unable to host organisations which don’t disclose this information.

How to post a role - What’s required?

Once you have all the required components from the checklist above and have made a decision on which posting tier you’d like to use, drop us an email at and we’ll do our best to get your role(s) up on our website as soon as we can.

The checklist outlined below outlines exactly what we need from you to enable us to post your vacancy:

Job description - Details we need to know

When posting your role we need to outline to applicants the following information on each posting:

  • Title of the role being advertised.

  • For part time roles it’s vital to let candidates know any specific requirements (days / hours expected). If your organisation offers flexible working this can help attract candidates for your vacancy.

  • For non-voluntary roles that we host on our site we must stipulate the salary or salary range.

  • Outlining the location or if there is remote or hybrid working available will again help ensure that you are receiving the most suitable candidates for your vacancy.

  • Outlining the deadline date and if applicable a deadline time can help ensure candidates don’t miss an opportunity to apply.

Payment for your posting

Following the posting of your vacancy we will raise an invoice and send that over to your nominated finance contact.

The payment method which we operate with is via bank transfer only. Sadly we are unable to accept credit card payment.

As outlined in the ‘What’s required?’ section, in order for us to raise an invoice for your purchase we need you to provide us with the following information:

  • Your organisation’s full registered name & address.

  • Purchase order (PO) number - This is not essential but if your organisation uses them please raise this with your finance team prior to contacting us.

  • Email address for your finance contact or nominated employee who will be tasked with paying the invoice.

Once you have everything that’s required to post a role this can be sent to us via the email below and we’ll make sure to get your role live on our site as soon as we can. Should you have any questions regarding a tier, posting or payment please don’t hesitate to contact us at: